Yesterday afternoon,   a national petition calling for an immediate moratorium on all further implementation of Pathways was launched by PSC President Barbara Bowen and Terrence Martell, Chair of the University Faculty Senate. In a message to CUNY faculoty and staff, they wrote that

The fight against the cheapening of a CUNY education is not just a local fight.  Higher education “reforms” similar to Pathways—some even with the same name—are moving forward throughout the nation.  They are driven by decades of disinvestment in public higher education and touted by supporters of privatization and corporatization (see The Real Agenda Behind Pathways in the October Clarion).  All of us in the field of higher education—especially those who serve at public institutions—have reason to be concerned by recent trends in higher education policy. By signing our petition, your circle of colleagues can stand with us as we defend academic integrity and oppose diminishing educational opportunity for students like ours at CUNY.

Please considering signing the petition, and encouraging others to follow suit.  A national outcry against the implementation of Pathways could go a long way in blocking its advance.