Monthly Newsletter — March

March Monthly Newsletter

Hello students,


Email is a great way to keep people abreast of important information, but it can be difficult to keep track of all the emails we receive. CJDSA knows this, and we have come up with a solution.


Below is the compiling of all the still-relevant emails we received in the month of February. A new task for the CJDSA’s Chair for Communications is to collect all the emails we receive each month, categorize them, and send a summary of them to the student body. This is further down in the body of this email.


I have organized the pertinent emails into the following categories: Deadlines, Events, Job Opportunities, Research/Fellowship/Grant/Funding Opportunities, General Important Information, and Accolades.


If you want to find one of the emails below, use the subject line in the “Search Entire Mailbox” search bar in your email. If you cannot find a particular email (for whatever reason), just let me know and I will forward it to you.


We hope this proves helpful, and your feedback is valued.


All the best,





Email sent on: 2/1/13. Subject line: “New York State Budget Alert”

Summary:  The New York State Legislature is currently reviewing the 2013-2014 New York State Executive Budget. We need you to visit now to communicate to legislators the importance of investing in public higher education. By law, state government leaders must pass the budget by April 1, 2013. The time to communicate is now!


Email sent on: 2/7/13. Subject line: “Criminal Justice Policy Review: CALL FOR PAPERS SPECIAL ISSUE (SEE ATTACHED & 2ND PARAGRAPH N EMAIL)”

Summary:  Criminal Justice Policy Review (SAGE Publications) is currently soliciting manuscripts for a special issue on community corrections, with primary consideration given to submissions that discuss the incorporation of restorative justice philosophy, programs, and practices within the juvenile and criminal justice systems.  The deadlinen is May 1, 2013.


Email sent on: 2/7/13. Subject line: ” Special issue on ‘Illicit Firearms Market in Europe and Beyond,’ European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research – Invitation by guest editor”

Summary:  Jana Arsovska has been invited to act as a guest Editor for the special issue on ‘Illicit Firearms Market in Europe and beyond’ which is due to be published in April 2014. Original research manuscripts on topics that tackle firearms markets are welcome. Please send Jana Arsovska (  your provisional titles and abstracts for consideration latest by February 20, 2013.


Email sent on: 2/7/13. Subject line: ” Conflict, Crime and Violence in Colombia – call for papers, Special Issue on Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy”

Summary:  There is a call for papers for a special issue  “Conflict, Crime and Violence in Colombia ” to be published on Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy in 2013.  Juan Vargas and Raul Caruso will serve as editors of this special issue.

The special issue is intended to gather contributions from different disciplines within social science, on diverse topics and methodological perspectives regarding conflict and crime in Colombia. Papers may be theoretical or empirical and should highlight their contribution to a better understanding of the kind of social phenomena that constitute an obstacle for a resilient peace in Colombia. Papers should be sent to Juan Vargas ( no later than March 31st, 2013.


Email sent on: 2/26/13. Subject line: ” Call for papers: Terrorism & Political Violence (Criminological aproaches to the study of terrorism)”

Summary:  In this special issue of Terrorism and Political Violence, we propose a direct focus on “Criminological approaches to the study of terrorism.” We are looking for original contributions from scholars from any of the social and behavioral sciences as long as their efforts are aimed at applying criminological theories to help explain the causes and consequences of terrorism. Manuscripts are due by July 1st 2013. Questions should be directed to and



Email sent on: 2/1/13, Subject line:  “Alumni Reunion (2013): Request for Honoree Nominations – Reminder”

Summary:  The 2013 Alumni Reunion will be held on Tuesday,  April 9, 2013 .  Please reserve the date and plan to join us!


Email sent on 2/4/13, Subject line: “[Eurogang-list] Eurogang Network News_Conference in Amsterdam”

Summary:  Resistance: International Cultural Criminology Conference

1 and 2 July 2013, VU University, Amsterdam. The conference is a joint project by criminologists from Utrecht University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, VU University Amsterdam, Ghent University, and the National Expertise Centre of Honour – Related Violence of the Dutch Police.


Email sent on 2/4/13, Subject line:  “Mongols and Global History at the Rubin Museum”

Summary: Classes will be held in our Education Center and galleries, providing exciting connections to the art, culture, and sacred traditions of Himalayan Asia.

Students interested in taking this course with one of the preeminent scholars of the field should contact the Queens College History Department directly:

Morris Rossabi, Mongols and Global History, Thursdays: 2:15 pm – 5:00 pm , January 31 – May 23 (class will not meet on March 28), 15 sessions total.



Email sent on 2/8/13, Subject line: “Reminder – CRJ PhD Professional Development seminars”

Summary: A reminder that our first professional development seminar is Monday from 12 to 1 pm in room 636 (see dates and topics below). The colloquia are mandatory for first year CRJ PhD students and voluntary for everyone else. We encourage, however, all students to attend the ones that are relevant to them. The next ones coming up are March 4 “Writing the Dissertation” and March 11 “Research Ethics and accountability, and collaborating on research projects.”


Email sent on 2/11/13 Subject Line: ” REMINDER: Faculty Recognition Awards Nomination Deadline is Fast Approaching! ”

Summary: Presuming that you may win one of these awards, pencil in the April 18, 3pm recognition ceremony date.For the Outstanding Online Teaching Award, the deadline for self-nominations to was February 15, 2013. Completed applications are due March 15th, 2013 (see instructions attached to the email). For inquiries, contact For the Faculty Service to Students Award, the deadline for nomination letters is February 15, 2013; deadline for application packets is March 15, 2013.  For inquiries, contact Danielle Officer 


Email sent on 2/11/13 Subject Line: “Final Performance and Justice on line brochure[1].pdf”

Summary: There are a variety of performance events for Performance and Justice spanning the following days March 13, 14, &15. Admission is free. To register, go to:


Email sent on 2/13/13 Subject Line: ” DASH- NY Coalition Conference: Partnerships to End Disparities”

Summary: An exciting line up of panelists will share tips on effective partnerships, big ideas for obesity prevention, and attracting investment in your efforts, including: The NAACP, City Harvest, The New York State Health Foundation, Greater Rochester Health Foundation, Congress for New Urbanism, and more! Friday March 22, 2013, 9:30am-4:30pm , Hilton Garden Inn, 235 Hoosick Street, Troy, NY 12180.


Email sent on 2/17/13 Subject Line: “Upcoming talk by Dr. Latzer – CJ Department”

Summary: Professor Barry Latzer of the Department of Criminal will give a talk on “Crime and Poverty: The Lessons of History” On Wednesday, March 6 at 12 pm in the CRJ PhD conference room (636).


Email sent on 2/19/13 Subject Line: ” Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples”

Summary: A public talk by Linda Tuhiwai Smith, with Eve Tuck serving as discussant, celebrating the 15th anniversary of “Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples”, Monday, April 22nd, 6pm – 8pm, followed by a reception in rm. 9204 – 9207, Ninth Floor. CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016.


Email sent on 2/20/13 Subject Line: “Career Day”

Summary: On March 4th, the New Jersey Public School will be having a Career Day and are looking for volunteers.


Email sent on 2/21/13 Subject Line: ” ARRESTED JUSTICE: A Conversation with Beth E. Ritchie, Mar 5th, 4 – 6pm”

Summary: ARRESTED JUSTICE: Black Women, Violence, and America’s Prison Nation

A Conversation with Beth E. Richie, Tuesday, March 5, 2013, Panel:, 4pm – 6pm
Reception & Book Signing: 6pm-7pm, King Juan Carlos Center, 53 Washington Square South, Suite 201, New York, NY 10012, Please RSVP to Betsy Steve at by March 1.



Email sent on 2/21/13 Subject Line: “Decolonizing Dialogues with Prof. Linda Tuhiwai Smith, University of Waikato Aotearoa/New Zealand”

Summary: There are a few events with Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Te Whare Wânanga o Waikato/The University of Waikato Aotearoa/New Zealand.  She is the author of the influential methodological book in indigenous studies, Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. There are two events — a public talk, Monday, April 22nd, 6pm – 8pm, the Graduate Center, Room 9204-9207, and a colloquium, Wednesday, April 24th, 11.45am – 1.30pm, Room 6304.01


Email sent on 2/21/13 Subject Line: “Indiana University Workshop in Methods”

Summary: The mission of the  Workshop in Methods is to provide introductory education and training in sophisticated research methods to graduate students and faculty in the social sciences. During the summer WIM also hosts a small number of ICPSR short courses in statistical methods. We will host at least two this summer, one on missing data and one on Bayesian methods. More information on these is available on our website or on the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods website.


Email sent on 2/25/13 Subject Line: “FREE FILM! FREE PIZZA! FREE EDUCATION!”

Summary: On March 5th at 5:30 in the Gerald Lynch Theater, The LGBTQ taskforce, Interdisciplinary Studies, Student Affairs and Spectrum (the LGBTQ student club) are co-sponsoring a special screening of the Oscar nominated documentary How to Survive a Plague. The film is about AIDs activism in New York at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. The film will be followed by speakers from Act Up and the Gay Health Advocacy Project.



Email sent on 2/25/13 Subject Line: “Lynching Beyond Dixie” Book Event – Thurday 21 March, 4pm”

Summary: At 4pm on Thursday, March 21st, join Professor Pfeifer and volume contributors William D. Carrigan and Dennis Downey in John Jay’s beautiful new Moot Court (6.68NB) space, as they explore the surprising history of lynching’s true reach.
This event is free of charge and open to the public. Please RSVP to and


Email sent on 2/25/13 Subject Line: “Dr Lo (Applicant) visit Wednesday March 20th”

Summary: We are pleased to host Dr. Celia Lo who is visiting our Program on Wednesday March 20th to explore coming to John Jay to play a leading role in our criminal justice PhD Program. Dr. Lo is an acomplished scholar (see attached CV) and is greatly interested in doctoral level education & training. PhD students are strongly encouraged (& first year students mandated to attend) a meet & greet from 3:00- 4:00PM, also in room 636T.



Email sent on 2/26/13 Subject Line: “UN Panel on March 7 (Limited Seats!)”

Summary: Professor Jodie Roure has organized a UN panel on Latin America & the Caribbean – Prevention & Elimination of Violence Against Women & Girls to be held on Thursday, March 7, 2013 at the United Nations Headquarters – North Lawn Building, Room CR-2 from 6:30 p.m.  to 7:45 p.m.   You are invited to attend the event.  It is open to the public, and there will be limited seats reserved for students, faculty, and staff of John Jay College.   This CSW 57 Panel REQUIRES a Special Security Pass .


Email sent on 2/26/13 Subject Line: “UPDATE: audio & questions list from Feb 25 Pres Kelly Community Mtg, March 8 next steps”

Summary: We announce an alternative Community Meeting for Friday, March 8, 3-5pm at GC room 5414 — a setting where students, faculty, and staff can interact and strategize responses to the lack of general participatory democracy and transparency at the Graduate Center, and
how specifically to counteract the worst aspects of the Fall 2013 Restructuring Plan.


Email sent on 2/27/13 Subject Line: “OAR Grantwriting Workshop Rescheduled for Tuesday 12 March”

Summary: Please be advised that the Office for the Advancement of Research’s upcoming Grantwriting Workshop, previously scheduled for Thursday 7 March, has been rescheduled for Tuesday 12 March from 1.30-3pm in Room 9.64NB (the lovely new 9th floor conference room in the New Building), due to a conflict with the 7 March faculty/staff meeting.


Email sent on 2/27/13 Subject Line: “CUNY Paris Exchange Info Session at the GC”

Summary: Please note that on Thursday, March 14 in room 3305 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. there will be an information session about the CUNY-Paris Exchange Program.  Helen Gaudette, Coordinator, CUNY-Paris Exchange Program, will discuss the program and answer any questions students or staff have about the program.


Email sent on 2/27/13 Subject Line: “Spring 2013 Colloquium and Book Launch Series Schedule”

Summary: The Department of Sociology will be hosting a Colloquium and Book Launch Series. The March events will be held in the sociology conference room, from 1:40 pm – 2:40 pm. March 6 will be led Andrew Karmen with the topic of “ The Challenges Facing Researchers Who Try To Investigate The Performance Of The NYPD: A Focus on Clearance Rates and a note about “public sociology”. March 1 will be Mucahit Bilici with the book Finding Mecca in America: How Islam is Becoming an American Religion (University of Chicago Press).. March 19 will be Marc Schuilenburg, with the book Order in Security: A Dynamic Analysis.


Job opportunities


Email sent on 2/1/13 Subject Line: ” SOC Fellow Position”

Summary: The Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice Associate Professor of Sociology Lebanon Valley College has an opening for a 9 month teaching position beginning in August, 2013.


Email sent on 2/5/13 Subject Line: “Grad Asst Position”

Summary: There is an opening in the Psychology PhD office (at GC) for a Grad Assistant.

Dr O’Connor is seeking a talented, motivated doctoral student who could work 15 hours per week.  The Grad Assistantship would receive approximately $10,400 for the spring semester for 15 hours/week.  They would work directly with Dr. O’Connor & her wonderful APO.  Of course, the position would come with the regular tuition remission and NYSHIP, if the student is otherwise eligible. Interested students should contact Dr O’Connor:


Email sent on 2/6/13 Subject Line: ” New Pew Pew Criminal Justice Research spot”

Summary: The Trusts is seeking to hire a senior associate for research whose focus will be on the adult sentencing and corrections systems. The ideal candidate will have an educational and employment background in public policy or a related field, knowledge of the criminal justice system, experience working with state corrections data, and work experience undertaking projects involving many partners, complex issues and extensive writing. The senior associate will be based in Washington, D.C. and report to a PSPP research manager. Please email a resume and cover letter stating why you are interested and why you think you are a good fit for this specific role to: Andrew P. Zalman, Senior Executive Recruiter at



Email sent on 2/8/13 Subject Line: ” Tenure track search in Public Affairs/Criminal Justice”

Summary: Empire State College seeks an Assistant Professor of Public Affairs with a specialization in Criminal Justice for a tenure-track position at the Metropolitan Center’s Staten Island location in New York City. The successful candidate will be able to provide critical perspectives on criminal justice and the issues surrounding safety and security in a civil society. Rank/Salary: $64,000 for beginning assistant professor, $62,000 for beginning instructor. Applications Due By:  Review of resumes begin March 11, 2013.


Email sent on 2/11/13 Subject Line: “Criminal Justice position at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania”

Summary: East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania has recently established a Criminal Justice Bachelor of Science degree program and is inviting applications for a Criminal Justice tenure track faculty position, beginning August 2013. Since the department has just re-advertised the position at both assistant and associate levels, the search committee wishes to reach out to your program to publicize the new position among your Ph.D. students (ABD preferred) who are on the job market. The due date for the application is March 8th, but the Search Committee will continue to review the applications until the position is filled.


Email sent on 2/24/13 Subject Line:  Post-doctoral bursary available”

Summary: There are post-doctoral bursaries available at the International Centre for Comparative Criminology. It would be about $33,000 a year. Although the Université de Montréal is a French university, post-doctoral students may work in either English or French (though students must have a working knowledge of both English and French) Applications are due before June 28, 2013.


Email sent on 2/25/13 Subject Line: “Research asst?”

Summary: The National Association of Drug Court Professionals is seeking a research assistant to help Doug Marlowe edit a set of empirically based standards intended to guide drug courts in terms of their delivery and practice.  They are looking for someone that can work up to 20 hours a week and can start immediately.  It will pay $40/hour.


Email sent on 2/25/13 Subject Line: “opportunities”

Summary: Brown Keeneland Conference Scholarships, Center for Public Health Services and Systems Research (PHSSR): Three scholarships are available to support participation in the 2013 PHSSR Keeneland Conference in Lexington, Ky., on April 8-11, 2013. The scholarship recipients are included in PHSSR Grantee meetings and all regular sessions of the Conference, and receive coverage for all registration fees and standard travel expense reimbursement.
Applications are now being accepted for the scholarships, which will be awarded to doctoral students or post-doctoral scholars in a discipline relevant to PHSSR, who are from historically underrepresented research communities. Recipients will be scholars from minority or disadvantaged backgrounds, such as the first in a family to graduate from college.


Research/Fellowship/Grant/Funding opportunities


Email sent on 2/1/13 Subject Line: “fyi”

Summary:  Funding Opportunity: Belfer-Aptman Dissertation Research Award<>. The Melissa Institute is offering four awards of $2,000 each. The awards are available to graduate students who address issues of violence prevention and/or treatment. The award must be used to support expenses that are directly related to the dissertation research (e.g., subject fees, computer time, equipment). It may not be used for tuition, personal travel or personal expenses. [Source: Prevent-Connect].


Email sent on 2/4/13 Subject Line: ” Dissertation Award reminder”

Summary: The PhD Program in Criminal Justice solicits nominations for the best PhD Dissertation award.  Dissertations completed from January 2012 through April 2013 are eligible for the award.  One award of $500 will be made. Please submit nominations to Professor Mike Maxfield no later than 30 April 2012.


Email sent on 2/4/13 Subject Line: ” Health and Justice Project Summer Training Scholarships available in Epidemiology and Population Health”

Summary:  The Health and Justice Project housed in John Jay College of Criminal Justice’s Department of Criminal Justice has funding to offering full scholarships to John Jay faculty and students to participate in the 2013 Epidemiology and Population Health (EPIC) Summer Institute at Columbia University. The goal is to develop independently funded scientists in public and/or correctional health research. Please click on the following link for more detailed information about this opportunity:   We will review and respond to all EPIC funding requests as promptly as possible. If you have any questions please contact Professor Jeff Mellow in the Criminal Justice Department (


Email sent on 2/11/13 Subject Line: ” USS Scholarships (Ernesto Malave Merit & Passantino) Deadline March 15″

Summary:  The University Student Senate (USS) is pleased to announce their Ernesto Malave Merit and Donald and Mary Ellen Passantino Scholarships competition.One Merit Scholarship of $1000.00 will be awarded to a Graduate Center student in good academic standing with a 3.5 and above demonstrating outstanding academic and leadership performance under extraordinary circumstances.The Donald and Mary Ellen Passantino Awards are for Graduate Center students with a disability and / or international students that have at least a 2.5 GPA.  One Donald and Mary Ellen Passantino Award of $500.00 shall be awarded to a student with a disability and one to an international student. All applications must be received by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, The Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue – Room 7301– New York, New York 10016, by March 15.      


Email sent on 2/23/13 Subject Line: ” Important: NIJ dissertation grants RFP released ”

Summary:  NIJ has released their PhD fellowship (dissertation grants RFP).


Email sent on 2/25/13 Subject Line: ” Macaulay Honors College Instructional Technology Fellowships

Summary:  All CUNY doctoral students accepted for this outstanding opportunity will: receive a Grad A fellowship, participate in a prestigious and innovative program that includes a technology-across-the-curriculum initiative, get extensive technological training in a highly marketable skill set, and much more. The application deadline for 2013-2014 ITFs is March 15, 2013, at 10 PM EST (GMT -5).


Email sent on 2/25/13 Subject Line: ” NIJ is Accepting Proposals for the NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship Program — NIJ Funding Update””

Summary:  NIJ seeks proposals for funding under the NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) program that provides awards for research on crime, violence, and other criminal justice-related topics to accredited universities that offer research-based doctoral degrees. The deadline is May 23, 2013.


Email sent on 2/26/13 Subject Line: ” PREDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS ”

Summary:  Applications are currently being accepted for several pre-doc openings beginning after July 1, 2013. Predoctoral Fellows receive an annual stipend of $22,032, health insurance, tuition and fees at the university where they are pursuing their degree.  Predoctoral Fellowship appointments are made for a period of 12 months and are renewable for up to an additional 4 years.


Email sent on 2/28/13 Subject Line: ” ACE’s Research Intern Program ”

Summary:  For the American Council of Education’s (ACE) new Research Internships, there are two tracks: (1) the Academic Year Program for doctoral students, and (2) the Summer Internship Program for graduate students (master’s or doctoral). We are currently recruiting doctoral students for the 2013-14 academic year.


General Important Information


Email sent on 2/1/13 Subject Line: ” A Message from President Jeremy Travis ”

Summary:  I am pleased to announce the creation of a Committee to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of John Jay College of Criminal Justice.  As you know, the College will turn 50 during the 2014-15 academic year.  Now is the time for us to begin planning ways to mark this important historical milestone.


Email sent on 2/4/13 Subject Line: “Citizenship Now! Assistance Event, Kofi Annan on the UN’s Future”

Summary:  The MetOperaStudents program is open to CUNY students enrolled in full-time undergraduate or graduate-degree programs. Ticket prices as low as $25 are available and performance offerings are limited and change often, so check it frequently


Email sent on 2/7/13 Subject Line: ” “In Your Class” ”

Summary:  John Jay College is one of five CUNY colleges participating in a spring pilot program of the Beta version of InYourClass, a unique academic/social networking service developed by CUNY students. Faculty members can use InYourClass to share assignments online, initiate or participate in an online discussion with students, view documents placed in the File Locker, or connect with other faculty members.  Please explore the features of InYourClass by logging in at and use it, if you wish, to start a dialogue with your students.


Email sent on 2/8/13 Subject Line: ” John Jay Profs Seek Change in Teaching Load, Ask for Recognition of Research Time | PSC CUNY”

Summary:  Younger faculty members are joining with their colleagues in a campaign by the campus PSC chapter, to press the college administration to reduce the effective annual teaching load to 18 hours. They say the change would improve both their teaching and their scholarship.


Email sent on 2/19/13 Subject Line: ” REMINDER: Survey: CJDSA Student Issues Survey (2012-2013)”

Summary:  Just a reminder about the Criminal Justice Doctoral Students’ Association (CJDSA)* survey regarding student-related issues – please take a moment to help us advocate for you by responding to this 3-question, totally anonymous survey!


Email sent on 2/20/13 Subject Line: “Spring 2013 Provost’s Semester Reminders and Resource Guide Attached”

Summary:  One important way that faculty support student success and engagement is by holding regular office hours.  A good rule of thumb is to have at least one regularly scheduled office hour on each teaching day; you should post your office hours outside your office door and include them on your syllabi.  You might find that the community hour (1:30-2:50) is an ideal time to hold office hours if you are not otherwise committed during that hour.


Email sent on 2/20/13 Subject Line: “Message from the Office of Career Planning and Professional Development”

Summary:  Jenny Furlong is the new Director of Office of Career Planning and Professional Development. For those who would like to meet with her one-on-one, walk-in meetings are fifteen-minute appointments that are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. You do not have to schedule a meeting in advance; you can just drop in and ask any career-related question you may have. Beginning on the week of March 4, we will offer walk-ins during the following times: Mondays, 12:00-2:00 p.m. and Wednesdays, 4:00-6:00 p.m. The office is currently located in Student Services and is office number 7201.19, located within the office suite of Room 7206.


Email sent on 2/25/13 Subject Line: ” Important Commencement Announcement ”

Summary:  Beginning with this year’s Commencement, individual students will not walk across the stage.  Rather, the recipients of a particular degree (e.g. BS in Criminal Justice) will be asked to stand together as their degrees are conferred by the President. The faculty who teach in this degree program, seated on the stage, will be asked to stand as well. This new practice will provide a greater sense of community among the graduates and between the graduates and their faculty, and will shorten the ceremony by approximately one hour. Students will still have an opportunity to take an individual photograph with President Travis at the end of each ceremony.


Email sent on 2/25/13 Subject Line: ” Shari will be on leave – please contact Kathy for CRJ PHD Program ”

Summary:  From Shari: I will be going on maternity leave next week (3/7 will be my last day). While I am on maternity leave, I will not be accessing JJAY email or voicemail. Kathy Mora will be your go to person until I get back in July. Please keep in mind that Kathy is a college assistant and can only come in 20 hours a week – please allow time for her to respond to your inquiries. She will be in on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays – you should contact her on these days or stop by to see her on these days if needed. Kathy Mora,, (212) 237-8988, 636.15 T, M, W: 9am-5pm, F: 9am-3pm.


Email sent on 2/26/13 Subject Line:  “The City University of New York Voluntary Savings Plans- Universal Availability Notice

Summary:  You have an option to supplement your retirement savings by enrolling in your CUNY sponsored 403(b) Tax Deferred Annuity (TDA) Plan. Your TDA contributions are deducted biweekly from your paycheck on a pretax basis, allowing you to reduce your current federal and New York State income taxes.


Email sent on 2/26/13 Subject Line: “Changes in CUNY’s Policy on Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Against Sexual Harassment”

Summary:  The significant change in the policy relates to consensual, intimate relationships. The new policy prohibits intimate relationships between a faculty member or other employee and a student for whom he or she has a professional responsibility. (“Professional responsibility” is defined in the policy.) Intimate consensual relationships between supervisors and (non-student) employees whom they supervise are not prohibited but are strongly discouraged. The new policy requires that the supervising employee disclose that relationship to his or her supervisor. The College requires that such supervisor then report the relationship to Assistant Vice President and Counsel Rosemarie Maldonado who will work with the parties to manage any possible conflicts of interest.




Email sent on 2/19/13 Subject line: “Announcement”

Summary: Dr. Desmond Arias has accepted a position in the School of Public Policy at George Mason University, beginning this fall 2013. Please join me in congratulating him on the new position.