As I am struggling to find places to take my two year-old to interact with other kids, these words from Cindi Katz remind me of the realities of living on the Main Line: “What are the political costs of coming of age in a disintegrating public environment, where the only viable correctives are privately ensured? What kind of citizens–to use a favorite word of the right–will be reproduced in an increasingly divided and publicly unaccountable privatized world that is characterized for children by restricted play environments such as those in middle-class housing developments, constant tending by hired child minders and others, structured programs that charge fees to participate, private play corrals such as those at fast food restaurants, and ubiquitous monitoring and surveillance?”–from Katz (2006). “Power, Space, and Terror: Social Reproduction and the Public Environment.” In N. Smith and S. Low (eds.) The Politics of Public Space. New York: Routledge, pp: 105-121.
What kind of geographical imagination is really possible for children who grew up under these conditions?