Sign LIC Coalition’s petition that opposes the proposed TF Cornerstone development for the 44th drive RFP in favor of park land, which meets the communities’ recreational and environmental needs.


LIC Coalition presents this petition specifically to protest:

(1) The RFP (Request for Proposals) by the NYC Economic Development Corporation (EDC) for properties along the Western portion of 44th Drive;

(2) Any City-approved use of neighboring properties; and

(3) Any proposed rezoning in the surrounding community.

We the Community are tired of the City’s promise of affordable housing at the expense of open/ public space, and in exchange for massive density that further contributes stress to the waterfront and the flood plane. We are offering the City a chance to show its constituents that their cry for public open space and for protection of the environment is heard.

The waterfront properties owned by the City should be for everyone – not subsidized by development. Land use should originate bottom up from the Community – not top down.

Our requests are:

1. Protect the Environment. Protect and preserve land located in the flood plain as natural wetland to maintain the health of our ecosystem, protect against future flooding, and provide educational opportunities. Otherwise and without City protection the upland community will only be further stressed. (See Flood Plain Map)

2 Support Queens Community Board 2’s request to seize Lake Vernon (44-02 Vernon Blvd). Protect Lake Vernon and preserve it to benefit the Community.

3. Dedicate the 44th Drive RFP site as park land. As this is already City owned property, we ask that you dedicate this land as park land for the people. It is imperative to find other suitable locations for affordable housing, but this is one of the only opportunities in the area including Court Square, Queensboro Plaza and Long Island City to create and protect open space. Locate City funds to make this public, open space.

We demand our elected officials to help us put forth a solution. We, as residents and business owners, are dissatisfied with the way open space has been ‘planned’ for, ‘protected’, and ‘maintained’ to this point. Families live here. People work here. Much of our livelihood is sourced here. A reasonable ratio of development to active open space is critical to the health, safety, and overall well-being of residents and to the environment.

We cannot afford to wait and see what happens. And it cannot fall solely to the responsibility of the residents to protect and enhance open space opportunities.
We ask our elected officials to work with Mayor De Blasio to actualize Long Island City’s potential in partnership with Community groups for our families, and neighbors.

This petition will be delivered to:

  • Mayor of New York City, Bill De Blasio
  • Queens Borough President, Borough President Melinda Katz
  • State Senator, Michael Gianaris
  • State Assembly Member, Catherine Nolan
  • New York City Council Member, Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer
  • Queens Community Boards 2 and 1

>>Sign petition!>>