I am a feminist, researcher, educator, and a dreamer, aiming to become a creator. I am a Level II Ph.D. student in Theatre and Performance at The Graduate Center, City University of New York. I have been teaching speech communication course at Baruch College as a Graduate Teaching Fellow since Fall 2016. I am interested in how different material conditions of technology have influenced the defining, delimiting, and/or expanding the boundaries of the human body, especially as it relates to issues of embodiment and agency from Renaissance humanism to posthumanism. My other research areas include the notions of “the public” and “the political” in/and performance and urban modernities and contemporary performance in East Asian cities (Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo).

I am a current president of Korean Students Association at the Graduate Center and Theatre Program’s Doctoral Students Council Representative for the 2017-2018 academic year. I recently completed Critical Theory Certificate, and I am currently enrolled in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program.

If I am not reading or writing, I love to walk around the city, say “hi” to dog-friends, watch theatrical performances, visit nice small cafes, analyze social-media responses, and daydream. I strongly believe that we need more education about our ethical responsibilities in social media platforms.