Critical Transport Studies: A Bibliography

Critical Transport Studies: A Bibliography

The following bibliography has been compiled by members and friends in the CCTS. We are interested in disseminating literature and ideas to advance critical research agendas in transport studies. As such, this contribution is informed by a compilation of our experience in history, planning, policy, geography, anthropology and sociology.  We welcome colleagues and visitors to recommend other works in any format (text, film, art, music, performance, etc.). Check back for more updates.

Banister, David. “The trilogy of distance, speed and time.” Journal of Transport Geography 19.4 (2011): 950-959.

Black, William R. “An Unpopular Essay On Transportation.” Journal of Transport Geography 9.1 (2001): 1-11.

Black, William R. “North American Transportation: Perspectives on Research Needs and Sustainable Transportation.” Journal of Transport Geography 5.1 (1997): 12-19.

Black, William R. “Transport Geography.” Geography in America. Ed. Gary L. Gaile and Cort J. Willmott. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill, 1989. 316-32.

Chang, Stephanie E. “Transportation Geography: The Influence of Walter Isard and Regional Science.” Journal of Geographical Systems 6.1 (2004): 55-69.

Deka, Devajyoti. “Social and Environmental Justice Issues in Urban Transportation.” The Geography of Urban Transportation. Ed. Hanson and Giuliano. New York: The Guilford Press, 2004. 332-355.

Eliot-Hurst, Michael E. “Transportation and the Societal Framework.” Economic Geography 49.2: 163-80.

Eliot-Hurst, Michael E. Transportation Geography. New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 1974.

Frank, Harmut. “Mass transport and class struggle.” Transport Sociology. Ed. Enne de Boer. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1986. 211-222.

Goetz, Andrew R. “Transport Geography: Reflecting On A Subdiscipline and Identifying Future Research Trajectories: The Insularity Issue in Transport Geography.” Journal of Transport Geography 14.3 (2006): 230-31.

Hägerstrand, Torsten. “What about people in regional science?” Transport Sociology. Ed. Enne de Boer. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1986. 143-158. Reprinted from Papers of the Regional Science Association 1970.

Hall, Derek. “Towards a gendered Transport Geography.” Journal of Transport Geography 12.3 (2004): 245-47.

Hanson, Susan. “Imagine.” Journal of Transport Geography 14.3 (2006): 232-33.

Hanson, Susan. “Off the road? Reflections on Transportation Geography in the Information Age.” Journal of Transport Geography 6.4 (1998): 241-49.

Hartt, Christopher M., Albert J. Mills, Jean H. Mills, and Gabrielle Durepos. “Guiding the Space Age from the Ground Up: Pan Am, Cold War and Guided Missiles.” Management and Organizational History 4.3 (2009).

Harvey, David. “The Geography of Capitalist Accumulation: A Reconstruction of the Marxian Theory.” Antipode 7.2 (1975): 9-21; reprinted in Peet, Richard Radical Geography. Chicago: Maaroufa Press. (1977).

Healey, P. “The Sociology of Urban Transportation Planning: A Sociopolitical Perspective.” Urban Transport Economics. Ed. David A. Hensher. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977. 199-227.

Illich, Ivan. Energy and equity. London: Calder & Boyars, 1974.

Justice in Transport: Applying Walzer’s ‘Spheres of Justice’ to the Transport Sector. 88th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board. 2009.

Keeling, D. J. “Transportation Geography: New Directions on Well-worn Trails.” Progress in Human Geography 31.2 (2007): 217-25.

Keeling, David J. “Transportation Geography: New Regional Mobilities.” Progress in Human Geography 32.2 (2008): 275-83.

Knowles, Richard D. “Research Agendas in Transport Geography for the 1990s.” Journal of Transport Geography 1.1 (1993): 3-11.

Law, R. “Beyond ‘women and Transport’: Towards New Geographies of Gender and Daily Mobility.” Progress in Human Geography 23 4 (1999): 567-88.

Martens, K. “Basing Transport Planning on Principles of Social Justice.” Berkeley Planning Journal 19 (2006): 1-17.

Metz, David. “The myth of travel time saving.” Transport Reviews 28.3 (2008): 321-336.

Mohl, Raymond A. “Stop the Road: Freeway Revolts in American Cities.” Journal of Urban History 30 (2004): 674-706.

Reichman, Henry. Railway men and Revolution. University of California Press: Berkeley.1987.

Reichman, Henry. “The 1905 Revolution on the Siberian Railroad.” The Russian Review. 47.1 (1988): 25-48

Taaffe, Edward J., and Howard L. Gauthier. “Transportation Geography and Geographic Thought in the United States: an Overview.” Journal of Transport Geography 2.3 (1994): 155-68.

Talvitie, A. “Things Planners Believe in, and Things They Deny.” Transportation 24 1 (1997): 1-31.

Vasconcellos, E.A. Urban Transport, Environment and Equity: The Case for Developing Countries. London: Earthscan Publications, 2001.

Whitelegg, John. “Time pollution.” Ecologist 23.4 (1993): 131-134.

Yago, Glenn. “The Sociology of Transportation.” Annual Review of Sociology 9 1 (1983): 171-90.

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