A picture of candidate Sidney Turner

Why do you want to join WPAGO? What do you see yourself bringing to the organization?

I would like to join WPA-GO for three reasons. 1) It would be great to be a part of an organization with a shared interest in serving students that we encounter through writing programs. 2) Based on my limited exposure in the areas that this committee engages with, I believe this would be a chance for me to learn more about the various functions of writing programs and take on a position that will encourage me to explore outside interests beyond my coursework. 3)This position would provide me the opportunity to further professionalize myself and develop a graduate identity beyond that of my singular institution. I would bring my fresh perspective and genuine desire to serve my community and students to this organization. I am a quick learner, love researching, and a highly motivated individual who would be an asset to any endeavor that WPA-GO takes on.