How would your studies and / or your professional experiences advance the goals of WPA-GO? These goals may be found in the About Me section of WPA-GO’s website: (no more than 150 words) *

Diversity and Outreach HAS to be about social justice, which is what I fight for both as a scholar and as an individual.

What kinds of support do you value as a graduate student and how would you further those forms of support for others through WPA-GO? (no more than 250 words) *

Social justice is a driving force for me. The kind of support that I need is to find people that have similar drive to break the cycle of trauma that misogyny, sexism, homophobia, racism, ableism, and anti-queer sentiment enforce. More inter committee communication.

CWPA pledges to “foster inclusion more generally; promote research into student diversities; promote policies that increase diversity in our membership and in the population of people who administer writing programs; and explicitly act against the structures that cause injustice today,” and WPA-GO is dedicated to supporting this mission. How will your selection to the WPA-GO Graduate Committee advance these goals? Please answer this question by choosing one barrier you identify to meeting these goals in writing studies. How would your work within WPA-GO specifically address this barrier? (no more than 500 words) *

The response to the conversation on the WPA-L made me so happy. Everyone likes to focus on a negative event, but the way grad students came together in response to racist and misogynistic rhetoric gave me so much life. The response showed me that this generation of graduate students has infinite promise in breaking cycles of trauma. This event is our kairotic moment to change the status quo and I want to be a part of it moving forward. I currently have multiple community-service projects in the works at multiple national conferences. I also am planning a grad student town hall for CWPA. These are just a few examples of how I’m pushing for social justice as an action and not just coming out with statements.