nature culture

Toyota Lifts a local economy

April 25, 2009 · No Comments

Toyota Lifts a Local Economy

Toyota Lifts a Local Economy

Creative Commons License
Myths of Nature in post-WWII National Geographic Car Advertisements by Shwandel N. Fraser is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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Saab: “A car that reads the road”

April 25, 2009 · No Comments

A car that reads the road. What a novel idea.

A car that reads the road. What a novel idea.

National Geographic Magazine Vol 214 No5 November 2008

Technonature – Arturo Escobar (1999)

Tourist Nature – Andrew Wilson (1991)

This sample ad is a tiny stretch for Technonature, however I think it fits just because it attributes to a computer the ‘ability’ to ‘read’ the road in the way that humans ‘read’ NGM. The use of the same word for wholly different entities, human and machine, leaving it undefined assumes if not intends for readers [!] to blindly accept the use of this word and all that it implies. That the abilities that comprise the gulf which makes humans inherently irreplacable by machines [read: automation/the perogative of capitalism] is actually a narrow fjord. This [multi-faceted and deliberately tricky] use of a word which on the surface appears self-explanatory and concise is reminiscent of Demeritt’s (2002) critique of the obfuscating tendencies of discursive traditions. In this ad, the vague idea of a car that ‘reads’ plants a certain ideas of our own human worth / valuation, of who we are [mimic-able by technology = similar to a machine=replaceable by a machine = less durable than a machine over time=in competition with or threatened by the same machine that was built to serve us]…I  think I may have just written the Matrix and Terminator screen plays there… 

One thought that occurs to me is how likely will it be that I can code an ad as technonature and NOT capitalist nature at the same time given that the two ‘realities’ a mutually dependent in in the industry which commissions these very same ads…

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Chevy Technology “Gas-Friendly to Gas-Free”

April 24, 2009 · No Comments

"Everyone can appreciate technologies that go from gas-friendly to gas-free"

"Everyone can appreciate technologies that go from gas-friendly to gas-free"

National Geographic Magazine, October 2007,  Volume 212, No 4.

Nature as well-loved pet; In this beautifully nostalgic ad, Chevy has fashioned a present day Charlotte’s Web – styled narrative brilliantly in one image. Nature as represented by the absent spider tells us a story, or maybe she has left us humans a ‘Dear John’ letter.

She may be communicating that she is dependent on our purchase of ecologically sound Chevy technology to survive, or her absence may be one last note of her unconditional love for us, much like the unfailingly faithful slave of antebellum fiction.

This ad imagery also presents a Capitalist Nature, not only for the textual component promoting the proliferation of their technology for profit, but also in the way that the landscape [read: nature] is objectified, and we the viewer stand outside the frame of reference, which places us in a position of power. Both we and Charlotte are the subject/object in this ad. We are powerful by our ability to surveil and  affect her activity and vitality in the Foucauldian sense. Charlotte is subject both to our consumption choices (a la Katz 1998) as well as subject of the image. We also become the subject as Charlotte references us despite the fact that she cannot see us. Her love note is almost like a prayer lifted up to an unseen but believed in god. She if off living her life, hoping that her benefactor deity will recognize her undying affection and have mercy on her in these troubled times. She cannot see us, nor we her likely because she is too SMALL, though we have evidence of her [natural] love for us…puns! 

No matter the true narrative intent of the ad, this image certainly makes me want to hig and kiss every arthropod to  cross, and whisper a promise over its sensitive leg bristles that serve as ears, “I love you too…I vow to protect you and rewardyour undying affection…with a brand spanking new chevy automobile that i will drive for hundreds of low-emission miles across highways which fracture animal habitats and human neighborhoods! I will save nature, I will save you Charlotte. I drive…for YOU!”

Yes, I over dramatize, but tell me that you don’t feel the warm tingly from the warm lime-green? sunset reflecting off of the “xoxo” framed by fuzzy little clumps of moss?

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