Mellon Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship at CUNY GC

The Graduate Center is pleased to announce the formation of three new
interdisciplinary committees made possible by a generous $2.41 million
grant from the Mellon Foundation and the support of the Vice Chancellor’s
Office: the Committee for Science Studies, the Committee for the Study of
Religion, and the Committee for the Study of Globalization. A cornerstone
of the development of these committees is a new fellowship opportunity for
doctoral students, a one-semester award of $10,000. The graduate fellows
will work alongside one another in a seminar with the Graduate Center’s
faculty and post-docs, as well as participate in the colloquia culture that
each Committee will cultivate, sharing and sharpening their research.
Attached you will find descriptions of the committees and the seminar
themes they have chosen to focus their fellowship search, as well as an
application form. We look forward to welcoming our first co-hort of fellows
in Spring of 2011. To this end, please review the attached materials and
submit your application no later than DECEMBER 1, 2010.  Materials are attached here: Mellon Graduate Fellowship

By keferguson

I am a doctoral student in philosophy and cognitive science at the CUNY Graduate Center. I teach philosophy at Lehman College, CUNY, and bioethics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. And I am the Doctoral Students' Council's Officer for Funding.

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