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Author: CUNY DSC Health & Wellness

Wellness Center support group: Dissertation Completion Group

Stalled at the ABD phase? Not making enough progress on your dissertation? The Dissertation Completion Group will help you acquire the knowledge and the skillsnecessary to overcome obstacles in completing the dissertation. This weekly group isdesigned to support doctoral students with focused opportunities to generate strategies,insights and solutions which empower them to move beyond doctoral study – i.e. to finish thedissertation and move on. To apply: Visit the Wellness Center in Room 6422…

Wellness Center support group: Dissertation Completion Group

Stalled at the ABD phase? Not making enough progress on your dissertation? The Dissertation Completion Group will help you acquire the knowledge and the skillsnecessary to overcome obstacles in completing the dissertation. This weekly group isdesigned to support doctoral students with focused opportunities to generate strategies,insights and solutions which empower them to move beyond doctoral study – i.e. to finish thedissertation and move on. To apply: Visit the Wellness Center in Room 6422…

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.