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Author: Caitlin Cahill

Caitlin Cahill, Ph.D is an Assistant Professor of Urban Geography and Politics at Pratt Institute. A community-based urban studies & youth studies scholar, for over ten years Caitlin has conducted participatory action research projects with young people in cities across the US investigating the everyday intimate experiences of global urban restructuring, specifically as it concerns gentrification, immigration, education, and discriminatory policing. Caitlin received her degree in Environmental Psychology with an emphasis upon Public Policy and Urban Studies from the Graduate Center, CUNY. Caitlin is interested in participating and co-creating collective creative spaces for dialogue, knowledge production, justice, research, the arts, and action. Previously Caitlin has taught urban studies/planning, critical environmental psychology, and community development at the City University of New York, the University of Utah, and Barnard College. In Salt Lake City, Utah she co-founded the Mestizo Arts & Activism Collective (with Matt Bradley and David Quijada), an intergenerational social justice think tank that engages young people as catalysts of change in a model integrating community-based collective research, arts and activism. Caitlin received an award from the ACLU for her activist scholarship with young people in Utah (in 2010). Currently, Caitlin is on the editorial boards of Children’s Geographies, the Journal of Community Development, and Children, Youth, and Environments. She is also on the advisory board of the Public Science Project, New York and the Centre for Social Justice and Community Action at Durham University, UK.

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.