
Research grounded in science, justice, and participation.

The Youth Justice Research Collaborative (YJRC) uses participatory action research, joining experts with direct experience of youth prosecution and incarceration with academics and advocates. Our research is grounded in science and justice, and centers the lived experiences of those most impacted by Youth Justice systems and policies. We are studying the implementation of the Raise the Age (RTA) policy in New York City using multiple participatory methods, including court observations, focus groups with impacted youth, and surveys of public defenders and social workers who are working under RTA.

In April of 2017, Raise the Age legislation was signed into law, ending New York’s practice of automatically charging all 16- and 17-year-olds as adults for any offense. This was a significant piece of legislation that reinvested in the lives of young people across the state. This victory was won by a grassroots movement of youth, families, advocates, and lawyers, built across the state over more than a decade. The implementation of Raise the Age was a victory too important to leave unchecked and unaccountable.

The Youth Justice Research Collaborative (YJRC) grew out of that movement. We came together to monitor the implementation of Raise the Age, documenting its successes and identifying areas for further reform. The YJRC was designed as a collective to center the lives and conditions of those most impacted, using participatory action research to join experts with direct experience of youth prosecution and incarceration with academics and advocates.


1. To ensure that the Raise the Age legislation has the intended effects and to hold city and state agencies accountable for implementing the law as intended; 

2. To expose problems with the legislation as it is currently written and identify possibilities for advocacy and legislative reform;  

3. To contribute documentation of successes and lessons learned to the national conversation about raising the age of criminal responsibility;

4. To improve the lives of young people and families affected by the criminal justice system in NYC.

Our research collective is a partnership between Youth Represent, the Children’s Defense Fund-NY, The Graduate Center at the City University of New York, The Public Science Project, the Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York, community members, youth, and advocates.

Learn more about Raise the Age on our background page and at the Raise the Age NY website.  





Findings from our research will be posted and updated on our Reports & Data page.

Follow us on Twitter @YJRC_NYC.

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.