Kate Sheese









Kate completed an undergraduate degree in Individualized Studies, specializing in women’s health. She completed her Master’s degree in the History & Theory of Psychology at York University. Kate’s research interests include embodiment and sexual subjectivities, reproductive justice, and migration policies/citizenship regimes/politics of categorization. Kate is currently in Berlin preparing for dissertation work on the moral economy of refuge and responses to the refugee crisis.

MA Thesis: Aqui no hay amistad: Engendering interpersonal violence among women on the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program

1st Doctoral Exam: Tracing self-estrangement: Transformations/transplantation of self and authenticity in sexual subjectivity

Second Year Project: Populating the privates: Tracing the socio-relational circuits of embodied knowledges


Sheese, K. (In Press). Contraception. Sage Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender.

Rutherford, A., Sheese, K., & Ruck, N. (2015). Feminism and theoretical psychology. The Wiley handbook on the methods of theoretical and philosophical psychology. New York: Wiley.

Sheese, K. (2014). Abortion. Encyclopedia of critical psychology. T. Teo (Ed.). New York: Springer Reference.

Sheese, K. & Liu, W. (2014). Activism. Encyclopedia of critical psychology. T. Teo (Ed.). New York: Springer Reference.

Rutherford, A. Marecek, J., & Sheese, K. (2013). Psychology of women and gender. Handbook of psychology, Volume 1: History of Psychology, Second edition. D. K. Freedheim & I. B. Weiner (Eds.). New York: Wiley.

R. Unger, K. Sheese, A. Main (2010). Feminism and Women Leaders in SPSSI: Social Networks, Ideology, and Generational Change. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34(4), 474-485.




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