The CUNY Graduate Center
Postcolonial Studies Group Colloquium Series 2009-2010
The Postcolonial Studies Group presents:
Sanjay G. Reddy
The New School for Social Research
Decoupled or Redoubled?
The Postcolonial World and the Current Economic Crisis
Sept 11th at 2 p.m.
CUNY Graduate Center, Room 5409
All are welcome.
Sanjay Reddy is an Associate Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research. His areas of research include development economics, international economics, and economics and philosophy. He has also worked as a consultant with development agencies and international institutions, some of which include the G-24 group of developing countries, Oxfam, UNICEF, UNDP, and World Bank. He has published widely, and is a member of the editorial advisory boards of Development, Ethics and International Affairs, and the European Journal of Development Research. Dr. Reddy’s published articles include “Globalisation, Labour Markets, and Social Outcomes in Developing Countries” (2006); “International Trade: What Does Justice Demand?” (2006); “Promoting Poorer Countries’ Interests” (2006); and “International Debt: The Constructive Implications of Some Moral Mathematics” (2007).
The CUNY Graduate Center is located at 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016.
The Postcolonial Studies Group is a chartered organization of the Doctoral Students’ Council. Please visit our website at
Email Fiona Lee at fiona.lee[at]
Flyer [pdf]