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Kristen Hackett

Research Associate

Kristen Hackett is a PhD student in Environmental Psychology at the CUNY Graduate Center.  Kristen’s Master’s Thesis aims to elaborate a deeply contextualized understanding of youth political participation that considers their everyday political negotiations in relation to changing socio-material conditions and the broader political economy of today.  A larger endeavor of this research is to give weight to youth voices and political behavior in such a way that solutions that refract on the larger political and political economic system rather than on young people themselves can be derived.
Kristen also works as a research associate with the Housing Environments Research Group (HERG) in the Center for Human Environments.  Kristen has spent the majority of her time with HERG investigating Community Land Trusts (CLTS) and the extent to which this non-speculative, shared equity homeownership model challenges pervasive discourses around citizenship, property and low-income homeownership, and challenges the social reproduction of historically entrenched inequalities.
Recently, she has begun working as a research associate for the Center for Immigration Studies at Queens College.  More specifically, she is investigating the involvement of immigrant communities in the Participatory Budgeting process in Queens with, and under the direction of Ron Hayduk of Queens College.
She has taught at multiple CUNY campuses including John Jay College, Guttman Community College and Queens College and has been a blog contributor for the Teaching Circle Adjunct Blog at Queens College.

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.