2:00PM EST
Introducing the conference & Framing the Issues
2:45PM EST
Panel A: Cyberspace, Technology, & Youth
3:45PM EST
Documentary & Commentary: "The Story of Antjuanece Brown"
Panel B: Portland, Oregon & NYC Youth Discussion
5:00PM EST
Panel C: Political Landscape, Legal History of Issues & Current Approaches
6:30PM EST
Breakout Workshops: Youth Community Organizing & the Arts
8:00PM EST
Optional Reception: Discussion and food
2:00 Welcome and Introductions
2:05 Criminalizing Race, Sexuality, and Youth
Michael Hames-Garcia, Ph.D.
2:25 Framing the Issues
Flor Bermudez, Youth in Out-of-Home Care Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal
2:45 Panel A: Cyberspace, Youth, Technology
“Social Justice Sexuality Project”
Jessie Daniels, Associate Professor, Hunter College, CUNY and Juanita Bell, John Jay College, CUNY
“MyDigitalFootprint.org: A PAR Approach to Cyberempowerment in Youth Environments”
Gregory Donovan, Ph.D. Candidate, Environmental Psychology, CUNY-GC
Charisa K. Smith, J.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor, Children’s Studies Program CUNY and Staff Attorney, Advocates for Children of New York
3:30 Break
3:45 Institutional Conversations: Resisting the Criminalization of Youth, Sexuality, and Race Mini-Documentary: “The Story of Antjuanece Brown”
Panel B: Cross-Coast Youth Discussion: What are LGBT Youth of Color Facing?
Moderators: Michelle Maher, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling, Antjuanece Brown, and Jolene Jenkins. Joined by youth in New York, NY and Portland, OR
5:00 Panel C: National Legal Landscape and LGBTQ Youth
“Racialized Gender Policing – LGBTQ Youth of Color in the Cross-Hairs”
Andrea J. Ritchie, J.D., Co-Coordinator, Streetwise and Safe
Kate Kendell, J.D., Executive Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights
“When Your Attorney May Be Your Enemy: How to Know and What to Do”
Sarah Valentine, J.D., Director of Student Affairs and Associate Professor, CUNY School of Law
6:15 Break
6:30 Concurrent Workshops: Youth Community Organizing and the Arts
Joint Workshop A:
“Bring the Peace, Fight the Police: LGBTQ Youth of Color Stand up To Criminalization”
Streetwise and Safe
“Reimagining our Hoods: Challenging Hate Violence Where We Live”
Safe OUTside the System (SOS) Collective of the Audre Lorde Project
Joint workshop B:
“Embodying! Moving from Creative Arts Practice to Concrete Social Impact”
Black Light & SPARK (Sexualization*Protest*Action*Resistance*Knowledge)
Joint workshop C:
“On Creating Student-Citizens: The Sakia Gunn Educational Model”
The Sakia Gunn High School
“Urban Mindscapes: Creating LGBTQ Narratives Using Graphic Short Stories”
Pride Arts for Project U.S.E. and HMI: Newark of the Hetrick-Martin Institute
7:45 Closing
8:00 Optional Reception: Discussions over food