The Graduate Center International Socialist Organization (GC-ISO) is a chartered organization of the Doctoral Student Council of the Graduate Center and a local chapter of a national organization, the International Socialist Organization (ISO). We have been an active organization at the Graduate Center since the Fall of 2014 though our members have been active in organizing discussions and meetings on political issues ranging from academic freedom and BDS to the lessons from the German Revolution.

The GC-ISO is an effort to project socialist politics at the CUNY Graduate Center. We see socialist politics in electoral as well as social movement arenas as critical to advancing social justice. The basics of our politics are articulated in the ISO’s Where We Stand. We aim to provide a socialist lens through which we can explore, debate and act to intervene in politically relevant issues to GC students and the broader NYC community. As a chapter of a national organization we aim to make use of our organizational resources to better carry out this mission at the Graduate Center.