Greetings OpenCUNY participants!

Hello, howdy and welcome and welcome back! We hope your semesters are off to a good start!

This is your reminder, that our team is here to support you in using OpenCUNY to meet your needs.

In this endeavor, we have a collection of resources you might find handy for getting started or expanding your use of the platform:


You can come sit with us in person to talk through and work through your questions and any issues you are having.

  • Oct 2nd, 3-5pm
  • Oct 22nd,  12-2pm
  • Nov. 5th – 2-4pm
  • Dec 4th, 3-5pm


OpenCUNY is also concerned with Internet privacy – a topic that many of us are now familiar with (and reminded of right now especially with the publishing of Snowden’s memoir) so some of our resources are dedicated to helping you configure your machines to maximize privacy without limiting your use.


Lastly, we are welcoming a new member of the team this semester! Stay tuned to learn more about how our team is expanding!

As always, please reach out to us at with any questions, concerns, crises, etc.

Happy computing!

Kristen & Paul