Contact updates:  Officially encourage alumni each year to update their contact information with any changes.  Alumni should send these updates to both the program and the GC’s online alumni directory.

Holiday greetings:  Your program or your PSA (Program Student Association) leadership could send out an annual holiday greeting in December wishing the alumni well in the New Year.  This could be done through the Post Office and/or email.

HLBLL Holiday Card
HLBLL Holiday Card


Program webpage:  Is there a space on your program’s Webpage for news about alumni?   If not, then speak with your EO and/or APO about putting this in place.  If it is in place, are alumni solicited regularly to send in news about books or articles being published, significant research, grants or awards, as well as general career accomplishments, such as earning tenure, or getting a new position?  If not, how might your department make that happen?  Is the information about alumni on your program’s webpage updated regularly?  If the most recent news about program alumni is from four years ago, that is not creating a good impression of your program.  Celebrating alumni achievements on your webpage is important for alumni relations, but this also can be an important factor in recruiting incoming students.  (Keep that in mind.)


Social media:  Does your program have a FaceBook page?  A LinkedIn group?  A Twitter feed? Or make use of other forms of social media?  If not, could it?  If so, is the information being updated on a regular basis?  Is someone formally responsible for this?