Hot off the press! Thanks to Daiyu Suzuki for inviting me to participate in this meditation on educator-scholar-activism in the midst of doctoral studies, and inheriting traditions of scholar-activism from our teachers. #MaxineGreene #JeanAnyon #MichelleFine

Please note, the first citation in my section is mistyped. Stuart Hall wrote about “societies structured in dominance”

Suzuki, D., & Mayorga, E. (2014). Scholar-Activism: A Twice Told Tale. Multicultural Perspectives, 16(1), 16–20.


What does it mean for individuals to intentionally see themselves as scholar-activists? Moreover, what does navigating a scholar-activist life mean for scholars in the early phases of their academic careers? As emerging scholar-activists the authors of this article are continuing to grapple with these questions, and in this article they present their distinct but overlapping stories of working through and overcoming the false separation of scholarship and activism. By sharing their stories the authors want to both provide readers an opportunity to find resonance in their experiences, and present some points to consider as we all define and live scholar-activism. Scholar-activism is historically situated with sights on the future. The authors have chosen to join the struggle of their predecessors in their scholar-activist work, exploring new possibilities sparked by the confluence of different generations.

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