I had the honour of presenting on a panel for the first Inter/Post/Non-Disciplinary Graduate Student Workshop on “Theory” hosted by the Social and Political Theory Students Association.  It was an inspiring event, engaging with other scholars as we unpacked, connected, and wrestled with the social and political theories with which we work and are embedded in.  While the papers touched on topics as diverse as semiotics, racialized spaces, and mirror-neurons, B. Aultman really captured our panels by describing them as contestations of “norms.”

Based on feedback I received following the presentation of my paper, I need to better draw out my desire to open up alternatives ways of accessing established structures of governance.  As I am interested in engaging all children in our communities, not only do we need to democratize the opportunities for children to engage (so that it does not continually privilege charismatic and well-connected children), we must also actively reach out to marginalized children who are often rendered invisible.  I also need to address the risk of turning governance into an overly process-driven, bureaucratic regiment rather than “living” engagement in community governance.

This was a truly enriching and generative event and I look forward to more inter/post/non-disciplinary conversations throughout my scholarship.