
Booth Award 2010: Nominations open until October 12th

Frank Episale, Second Vice-President of DTSA, in charge of Booth Award, wants to thank everyone who nominated candidates for the Award. The nomination dedadline has been extended until next Monday October 12th 2009, you still have a chance to include your desired candidate on the list. To Nominate, send an email to Frank Episale frankepi@gmail.com

Boris Daussà-Pastor, DTSA President


  • October 12, 2009 –  Deadline to sing up for Idiot Savant

Our third outing will be to see Idiot Savant at the Public Theatre on Monday, November 2nd.  There is a sign-up sheet in the Green Room.  Tickets are $20.  Payment is due by Tuesday, October 13th at 3 PM

  • October 22, 2009 – DTSA Happy Hour

When: Thursday, Ocotber 22 at 6:15pm (immediately following the Language Exam “Demystifying the Handbook” session.)

Where: Slattery’s Midtown Pub (8 East 36th St between 5th AVE and Madison) Slatery’s Midtown Pub (Discounted drinks all night)

  • October 28, 2009 – Media Working Group meeting

From Eero Laine: The media/visual/digital working group has met and is officially formed. Look for an announcement of upcoming meetings (date October 28th, location TBA).Contact Eero  Laine, Steve Luber, Frank Episale, Kenn Watt, Lisa Reinke, Sascha Just, or Kelly Aliano for more information.

  • No DTSA Office Hours Next Week

Next week I will be out of town, so there will not be DTSA Office Hours. The Next office Hours will be on the following week, Thursday October 22 2:00-4:15 pm.  Boris Daussà-Pastor, DTSA President.


Upcoming Events

(Check the Calendar)

  • October 22, 2:00-4:15: DTSA Office Hours
  • October 22, 4:15- 6:15 pm: Demistifying the Handbook 2:  Language Exam
  • October 22, 6:15- … pm: Happy Hour at Under the Volcano
  • October 28 at 6:15 pm: Media Working Group Meeting, place TBA