Joshua Clegg

Ph.D., Psychology, Clark University

Most recently, Dr. Clegg’s research has focused on assessing sustainable behavior in institutional contexts, research that is part of a larger proposed project investigating messaging and tailoring strategies for grass-roots sustainability work. Previous research focused on understanding socially alienated life experiences – both in the broad biographical sense and in the more narrow sense of proximal relational processes. Dr. Clegg’s research is epistemologically pluralistic but not eclectic – that is, multi-method, without being theoretically agnostic – a reflection of his abiding interest in philosophy of social science. Dr. Clegg continues to do work applying historical analysis and continental, post-modern, and post-critical philosophies to research methods and theories in Psychology. This work is influenced by phenomenology and dialogism (and other related traditions), and most particularly by the writings of Emmanuel Levinas and Mikhail Bakhtin.


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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.