2.1 Criminalizing Race, Sexuality, and Youth

Michael Hames-Garcia, Ph.D., Professor, Ethnic Studies, University of Oregon

3.1 Framing the Issues

Flor Bermudez, J.D., Youth in Out-of-Home Care Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal

4.1 Social Justice Sexuality Project

Jessie Daniels, Associate Professor, Urban Public Health, Hunter College, CUNY and Juanita Bell, student, John Jay College, CUNY

The rise of mobile technologies, such as Internet-enabled smart phones, has had a number of unintended consequences for social behavior. A supplement (N=495) to the SJS survey administered at the “House of Latex Ball” (August, 2010) in New York City included 10-items that asked about mobile technology and policing. This preliminary analysis suggests that LGBT people of color use digital technologies to both avoid contact with police and to report police misconduct.

4.2 A PAR Approach to Cyberempowerment in Youth Environments

Gregory Donovan, Ph.D. Candidate, Environmental Psychology, Graduate Center CUNY

As producers of their own social network, members of the Youth Design and Research Collective experience how they are participants in cyberspace and thus co-constructors of their own digital footprints. This presentation will address how such consciousness reframes informational capitalism and encourages young people to see themselves as self-possessed social actors, while also providing a framework for youth to address their own concerns with privacy, property, and security in the cyberspace.


4.3 Can’t w8 2 Press Send

Charisa K. Smith, J.D.

Technology facilitates both the tragic victimization of LGBTQ youth of color and the simultaneous expansion of their identity and influence.  Lines of “exclusion” and “inclusion” blur as a new age communities form and keyboards embolden propagators of racism, homophobia, commercial sexual exploitation, and other systems of oppression.  While a majority of states struggle to develop policies and courts that foster protection, LGBTQ youth of color are seizing technology to transform their own lives, pop culture, subculture, and broader social justice movements.

5.1 Mini-Documentary “The Story of Antjuanece Brown”

Michelle Maher, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling.

5.2 Cross-Coast Youth Discussion Panel: What are LGBT Youth of Color Facing?

Michelle Maher, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling, Antjuanece Brown, and Jolene Jenkins. Joined by youth in New York, NY and Portland, OR.

Michelle’s presentation describes institutional relationships of power that provide the context for how she became aware of what happened to Antjuanece Brown and Jolene Jenkins. She provides a framework to consider how crossing the borders set up by social institutions encourages an awareness of the similar circumstances people face and the legacies we create, participate in, and leave behind.


6.1 Racialized Gender Policing – LGBTQ Youth of Color in the Cross-Hairs

Andrea J. Ritchie, J.D., Co-Coordinator, Streetwise and Safe

LGBTQ youth of color find themselves in the cross-hairs of mutliple and intersecting tides of criminalization – “quality of life” policing, the “war on drugs” and initiatives targeting youth and adult involvement in the sex trades in the context of larger anti-trafficking efforts. Join us in exploring how each of these frameworks facilitates the policing of gender, sex, and sexuality in service of mass incarceration of people of color and maintenance of existing social and economic power structures.



Kate Kendell, J.D., Executive Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights


6.3 When Your Attorney May Be Your Enemy: How to Know and What to Do

Sarah Valentine, J.D.

Attorney bias can have dangerous and far-reaching affects on the representation provided to queer youth caught in the justice system.  However, queer youth and their allies can learn to recognize the dangers and take steps to demand appropriate representation and minimize the harm biased attorneys can cause.


8.1 Bring the Peace, Fight the Police: LGBTQ Youth of Color Stand up To Criminalization

Streetwise and Safe

Streetwise & Safe is a project by and for youth of color in New York City that shares the ins & outs, do’s & don’ts, and street politics of police encounters between LGBTQQ youth of color and the police. We stand for and with LGBTQQ and youth who have experienced profiling, policing and punishment for being on the streets and trading sex for survival needs. Together, we created unique, multi-media, “know your rights” tools tailored to LGBTQ young people that aims to share life-saving information with our peers. Come check out our videos, we’ll practice what we learned by doing role plays, share our interactive website, and invite you to follow our Injustice Diaries blog. Let’s share “know your rights” info, outreach tools, strategies for survival and ideas for making change!


8.1 Re-Imagining our Hoods: Challenging hate violence where we live

Safe OUTside the System Collective

Harassment, name calling, intimidation, and neglect and all forms of homophobic and transphobic violence and they happen far too often, especially in poor people of color neighborhoods. But what can our community do about it? Join us as we work through community-based strategies for challenging hate violence.

8.2 Embodying! Moving from Creative Arts Practice to Concrete Social Impact

Black Light and SPARK

In this interactive performance-based, action-oriented workshop, we will explore significant and personal issues related to the policing of girls’ sexuality. BlackLight will begin the workshop by sharing a dance performance created with teenage girls in Newark, New Jersey. They will then facilitate a dance/movement workshop encouraging participants to explore the themes of the conference through gestures, poetry, choreography and image work. The workshop will then transition into an activist exploration of the issues, using the dance piece as a launching point. SPARK facilitators will guide the participants from art to action to devise and practice ways that we can use performance to advocate for positive social change.

8.3 On Creating Student-Citizens: The Sakia Gunn Educational Model

The Sakia Gunn High School: Darnell Moore, Director of Educational Initiatives

This breakout session will consider the theoretical and political frameworks that structure the development of a replicable curricular and pedagogical model, which is being developed for school districts and other youth serving organizations. The model, named after Sakia Gunn—the young African-American 15-year old self-identified AG lesbian—who was stabbed to death on Newark, New Jersey’s busiest intersection, seeks to ensure that the ideals of safety, inclusivity, affirmation, difference, and respect are infused in all aspects of schools from climate enhancement to ancillary supports.


8.3 Urban Mindscapes: Creating LGBTQ Narratives Using Graphic Short Stories

HMI To Go: Newark: Kara Olige & Kerry Dennehy

Urban Mindscapes engages youth in what Paulo Freire defines as the language of critique and possibility.  HMI youth members will discuss their lives through the art of visual storytelling. Four members will share their projects and explain how they draw from social media, popular culture, and personal experiences to tell their stories.


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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.