
Upcoming Meetings:

Check back soon for our final Fall 2016 meeting early in December!


We are open to new ideas for speakers, workshops or group discussions. As always, feel free to invite others to the group.

For more information contact Do Lee: ; Lauren Fisher: or Héctor Agredano:


Past Meetings:

October 2016 (recap)
We welcomed a new member and discussed ways to collaborate in the year ahead. We also discussed inviting speakers to an upcoming meeting in the Spring 2017 semester.

July 2016 Summer Colloquium (recap)
Lauren Fischer, Do Lee, Morgan Campbell, and Jessica Murray presented works in progress for a small group of scholars who were sticking around for the summer.

May 2016 Meeting (recap)
At this meeting, we discussed neoliberalism and transportation, after reading the following three articles:

Walks, A. (2015). Stopping the ‘war on the car’: Neoliberalism, Fordism, and the politics of automobility in Toronto. Mobilities, 10(3), 402-422.

Grengs, J. (2005). The abandoned social goals of public transit in the neoliberal city of the USA. City, 9(1), 51-66.

Paget-Seekins, L. (2015). Bus rapid transit as a neoliberal contradiction. Journal of Transport Geography, 48, 115-120.

February 2016 Meeting (recap)
In lieu of a meeting, several members of the group decided to attend a Sociology colloquium meeting with Dr. Lauren Krivo from Rutgers University. The title of her talk was, “on “Inequality in Daily Travel:  Race, Gender, and Economic Differences in Routine Mobility,” a topic of interest for many of the members of our group.  

November 2015 Meeting (recap)

We got together to brainstorm ideas for a session at Transportation Camp, and decided on a critical take on transportation planning, “Who is NOT at Transportation Camp.”

October 2015 Meeting (recap)

This session featured research presentations by two CCTS members. Morgan Campbell presented her paper, Usage patterns as indicators of accessibility, and Jessica Murray presented her paper, The Impact of Disability on Daily Travel Behavior for People in the NYC Metro Area. 

September 2015 Meeting (recap)

Our first fall meeting included a lot of catching up and some great ideas for the group in the coming academic year. A theme that runs throughout is a desire for collaboration!

  • Field trips (e.g. see old city hall on 6 line, the 34th St., 7 train extension, or the new Fulton station)
  • Plan a Critical transportation colloquium for 2016 (spring or fall)
  • Have a Quant workshop
  • Organize something as a group for Transportation Camp in November (there are a lot of us going!)
  • Do a hands-on research project together – partner with a community org to do a mixed methods transportation project. (this was very popular – we talked about various ideas and thought a natural step might be to talk to various community orgs and see if there were any transportation related projects that they would like to see done).

May 2015 Meeting (recap)

Dr. Robert Noland of Rutgers University met with us and presented a draft paper on pedestrian safety.  Dr. Noland is a leading scholar of the impact of transportation systems on economic and environmental outcomes. Pedestrian Safety versus Traffic Flow: Finding the Balance

March 2015 Meeting (recap)

Friday, March 13, Julie Cidell, University of Illinois joined us for a discussion of her soon-to-be-released edited volume, Transport, Mobility, And The Production Of Urban Space (Routledge 2015).

February 2015 Meeting (recap)

February 23, Lauren Ames Fisher presented a book chapter on the negative consequences of using value capture schemes for transport funding.

December 2014 Meeting (recap)

Thursday, December 18, we discussed chapters from these two books:
Urban access for the 21st century:finance and governance models for transport infrastructure. Sylvie Fol and Caroline Gallez, 2014.

The Urban Political Economy and Ecology of Automobility: Driving Cities, Driving Inequality, Driving Politics. Paul Hess, Helen Hao Wen Huang, and Mirej Vasic, 2014.

…and discussed the recent Seattle viaduct disaster.

October 2014 Meeting (recap)

Tuesday, October 7, a Discussion with Dr. Devajyoti Deka
Dr. Deka is one of the country’s leading scholars on transport and equity, and author of a seminal paper on the topic, published in Hanson and Giuliano’s edited volume, The Geography of Urban Transportation.  He currently serves as the Assistant Director for Research at Rutger’s Voorhees Transportation Center.

May 2014 Meeting (recap)

We had our final meeting of the 2013-14 academic year and heard from two of the collective’s members, Hector Agredano Rivera and Do Lee. Hector gave us a presentation on his dissertation topic, the role of transportation networks during the Mexican Revolution, before heading off to Mexico for field research (Good Luck Hector!). Do presented his work on the production of mass irresponsibility and damage in the street, inspiring some lively conversation.

March 2014 Meetings (recap)

Jason Henderson (Prof. SFSU) joined us for the March meeting to discuss ‘Street Fight’, his recent publication on the politics of mobility. Thanks to Prof. Henderson for leading a vibrant conversation about how to engender progressive change in transport in US cities and for sharing his research experiences and insights with the group.

Early in the month, we had an informal conversation with John Stehlin, a visiting scholar from UC Berkeley’s Geography department. John’s research focuses on “the cultural politics of the bicycle as it intersects with capitalist development in contemporary North American urban life.”

February 2014 Meeting (recap)

We hosted Prof. Mike Smart (Rutgers) and Prof. Nick Klein (Pratt) for a presentation of their work on Transport Planning and the GLBT community. Our discussion focused on their recently published JAPA paper, “Neighborhoods of Affinity:Social Forces and Travel in Gay and Lesbian neighborhoods” but expanded to include more general topics, such as how traditional transport planning excludes niche communities.

January 2014 Meeting (recap)

Our first meeting of the new year focused on discussing ‘Street Fight: The Politics of Mobility in San Francisco’ by SFSU Professor Jason Henderson. We all agreed that this is a wonderful text for courses on transportation studies or transport planning as it provides a critical understanding of how the transport decision-making process works in practice and provides a theoretical framework that is accessible to students.

December 2013 Meeting (recap)

We had a festive gathering to end the semester and celebrate the winter holiday season. Copies of Jason Henderson’s ‘Street Fight’ were distributed in advance of the 2014 book club. Thanks to everyone who brought food, libations, and interesting conversation.

November 2013 Meeting (recap)

This meeting of the CCTS featured research presentations on the emergence of shared modes of transport by two Geography Ph.D. students from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), Adam Davidson and Kyeongsu Kim. Adam presentation research on the usage patterns of Citi Bike (NYC’s bike sharing program) during the program’s first few months of implementation. Kyeongsu followed with a presentation (title?) on car sharing in the outer boroughs of New York. Presentations were followed by a lively discussion about the merits of shared transport modes and their potential for increasing access and equity in NYC’s transport system.

October 2013 Meeting (recap)

On October 9, 2013, we kicked off the academic year with a lively research presentation by Columbia Ph.D. candidate Alexis Perrotta. Alexis’ research project, titled Access to Everything: Accessibility Metrics Reconsidered from Within the Central City, develops and assesses alternative measures of accessibility. Her findings raise questions regarding the limits of the study of accessibility in the aggregate, the role of trip purpose in transport planning, and the potential for expanding the use of qualitative methods in transportation research. Thanks to all who participated and especially to Adam and Kyeongsu for bringing pizza!

April 2013 Meeting (recap)

Our April 2013 meeting had a networking focus with an informal discussion of ongoing research projects being conducted by group members. We also discussed submitting a grant for a Critical Transport conference, contributions to the ‘Critical Transport’ bibliography project and programming plans for the coming 2013-14 academic year.


We would like to thank the Doctoral Students Council at the CUNY Graduate Center for their financial support as well as their facilitation of meeting space for our event.

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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.